Tuesday, February 3, 2009

American Idol - Hollywood Week

Idol Boot Camp
- a new addition that included a stylist, vocal coach and mentor (Barry Manilow), at least the people that don't make it will have gotten some free advice that could possible help them out down the road

-"I thought it was indulgent nonsense; it's something a kid would do when they're learning to sing at age 10"

-Uhh well there isn't really a point in talking about individual people since they will be getting cut down tomorrow.

Tamara's Train of Thought
- Why is her name "Lil"?
-Stop inserting the judges into songs, it's wack
-This cutting process is crucial
-LMAO @ the dude telling Simon off and calling his clothes cheap
-Umm...really @ the homeboy that started breaking down
-whoa! Eyebrows!
-whew he is VERY dramatic
-apparently they should have had a longer session on how to pick the correct song
-this is why they shouldn't have let this Norman character through
-why does she have on that sparkly fanny pack?
-HA! @ Simon making the "claw's coming out" sounds
-It must suck to be on the row that gets cut :(
-Do people think that arguing with the judges will get you through?

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